Notes From The Garden Path


Where to put a Greenhouse

and what type to buy


A large garden presents an exciting opportunity for gardening enthusiasts to explore various possibilities, and one of the most rewarding additions to consider is a greenhouse. A greenhouse opens up a whole new world of possibilities, enabling you to extend your growing season, experiment with exotic plants, and protect delicate crops from adverse weather conditions. I'm not sure how I ever managed without one.  However, to make the most of your greenhouse, careful consideration must be given to its placement within your garden. In this article, we will guide you through the process of choosing the best location for your greenhouse and explore the different types of greenhouses available, along with their unique attributes.

Choosing Where to Put Your Greenhouse:

a) Sunlight Exposure: One of the critical factors in greenhouse placement is sunlight exposure. Select a spot that receives ample sunlight throughout the day. South-facing locations are ideal as they receive maximum sunlight, especially during the winter months when sunlight is scarce. Avoid placing your greenhouse near large trees or structures that may cast shadows and limit sunlight. However, as long as a majority of the sides have exposure to plenty of sunlight, you can quite happily place your greenhouse up against a wall, fence or hedge.

b) Wind Protection: While sunlight is essential, your greenhouse also needs protection from strong winds. Placing the greenhouse behind a natural windbreak, such as a hedge or a wall, can shield it from harsh gusts and prevent damage to the structure.

c) Accessibility: Consider the convenience of access to your greenhouse. Locate it near your main gardening area to facilitate easy transportation of plants, tools, and supplies. Ensure pathways are wide enough for a wheelbarrow, there will be lots of carting of compost!  Furthermore, proximity to a water source will make watering a breeze.

d) Drainage: Ensure your chosen spot has good drainage to prevent waterlogging during heavy rains. Poor drainage can lead to root rot and other water-related issues for your plants.

e) Aesthetics: A greenhouse can be a visually striking addition to your garden. Consider how it will fit into the overall landscape design and choose a spot that complements the aesthetic appeal of your garden.

Exploring Different Types of Greenhouses and Their Attributes:

a) Attached Greenhouse: An attached greenhouse is built as an extension to an existing structure, such as the side of a house or a garden shed. This type of greenhouse shares a wall with the main building, which offers insulation benefits and easy access to utilities. Attached greenhouses are ideal for conserving space and regulating temperature.

b) Freestanding Greenhouse: A freestanding greenhouse stands independently within the garden. It provides more design flexibility and allows for optimal sunlight exposure on all sides. These greenhouses are available in various shapes and sizes, such as traditional gable, geodesic dome, and even custom designs.

c) Lean-To Greenhouse: Similar to an attached greenhouse, a lean-to greenhouse is built against an existing structure, usually a wall. The advantage of this type is that it requires less construction and materials, making it a cost-effective option. However, its sunlight exposure may be limited to one side.

d) Poly Tunnel/Hoop House Greenhouse: These greenhouses have a simple, arched design created with metal hoops covered in plastic or polyethylene. They are cost-effective, easy to assemble, and provide sufficient space for growing a variety of plants. Hoop houses are particularly suitable for seasonal gardening.

e) Victorian Glass Greenhouse: If aesthetics are a priority, the Victorian glass greenhouse exudes elegance and charm. This classic design features a sturdy metal framework with glass panels, allowing maximum sunlight penetration and providing an enchanting atmosphere for cultivating exotic plants.


Selecting the perfect spot for your greenhouse in a large garden is a critical decision that can significantly impact your gardening success. By considering factors such as sunlight exposure, wind protection, accessibility, drainage, and aesthetics, you can create an ideal environment for your plants to thrive. Additionally, exploring the different types of greenhouses, from attached and freestanding options to polytunnels and Victorian glass structures, allows you to choose the one that best suits your needs and garden design. With a well-placed and carefully chosen greenhouse, you'll unlock a world of possibilities and take your gardening endeavors to new heights.  

The Team @ Grand Garden Life

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